Lessons from a Prodigal Marketer book cover

Lessons from a Prodigal Marketer

$10.99 - $29.99

Are You Struggling to Reconcile Your Marketing with Your Faith? You need to read Lessons from a Prodigal Marketer.

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Watch the Webinars

Join author Roy Herr as he leads a series of webinars talking about the 5 principles of marketing.

In this webinar Roy shares

  • The background of the book
  • The Foundation of Love
  • Principle 1 – Truth
  • Principle 2 – Humility

In this webinar Roy shares

  • Principle 3 – Contentment
  • Principle 4 – Service

In this webinar Roy shares

  • Principle 5 – Stewardship

How to Build Your Marketing on a Biblical Foundation

At Rosewood Marketing we know that you want to be a wiser, more discerning business leader who can evaluate your marketing with a godly perspective. In order to do that, you need a positive faithful business vision that builds God’s Kingdom instead of selling your soul.

Unfortunately, there is a lack of Christian teaching in the arena of marketing. This makes you feel uncertain and tentative about how well your marketing honors God.

I believe none of us were meant to wrestle through these complicated issues on our own. I know what it’s like to wrestle with ethical questions about marketing. On occasion, I have realized that I’ve been following in the footsteps of worldly marketers.

This is why I’ve engaged the struggle with other Christian businessmen to address these questions during the second half of my 25-year career in marketing. I’m passionate about applying biblical principles to marketing in Christian-owned businesses.

It’s simple to get started improving your marketing.

  1. Buy the book.
  2. Read it prayerfully.
  3. Use the simple tools and examples in the book to reconcile your marketing with your faith.

So, Buy Lessons from a Prodigal Marketer, How to Build Your Marketing on a Biblical Foundation. It’s time you stop feeling worried about compromising your Christian values while wandering alone in the wilderness of worldly marketing influences and begin using the book’s simple framework to evaluate your marketing with Biblical principles. Then you can confidently publish marketing messages that align with biblical truth.

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